How to divide services and invoices into multiple projects?


I have an AWS Account which I want to use for two projects, let's say PR1 and PR2.

Both projects will have their separate services like EC2, RDS etc. And I want to have two Invoices every month, one for each project.

Additionally, if possible, I'd like to have different user roles (just credentials, not associated to unique e-mail accounts) for each project. So a User for PR1 can only see and manage services under PR1.

Please help with the implementation for the above use case.

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

In a single account, you can utilise TAGs in your billing reports for cost reporting, however this will still be a single invoice.

You could create an Organisation and then use this as a seperation to billing on a per account basis. You would have all resources related to Project 1 in one account and all resources related to Project 2 in another account. This can cost a little more due to needing extra NAT gateways and VPC endpoints etc depending on how and what you configure. You can design it in such away where you have common resources shared between accounts.

Both approaches work, however you need to decide how you want to seperate them.

profile picture
answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • Yeah I created a parent/management account and then two sub-accounts to achieve the required setup. Thanks a lot!


Take a look at this whitepaper, Organizing Your AWS Environment Using Multiple Accounts. As stated above, you can control and report using tags but there are advantages to multiple accounts.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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