Its Possible New Account Have Learn AWS Clould


I Just Asking New Account Has Learn AWS Clould?

2 Answers

Hello ,

Thank you for posting your question on the AWS Repost, my name is Rochak and it will be a pleasure assisting you with this today.

I understand you would like to know if new AWS Account has the resources for you to learn AWS Cloud. Please, let me know if my understanding is incorrect.

We have AWS documentation and various AWS free tutorial available for our customers to get started in AWS. I am sharing you few links below. Hopefully this helps.

  1. This link provides you the step-by-step details on the process of creating AWS account and managing it securely.

  2. AWS does provide free and on demand training for you to build your skills in AWS

  3. AWS Skill Builder also provides few learning content

  4. AWS also provides free tutorials videos for education

I hope this helps. If you need further info, let me know in the comments; otherwise I'd appreciate if you mark my answer as "ACCEPTED".

Kind regards, Rochak from AWS

answered a year ago

As Guidelines Line For New Account AWS . Am I Should Learn Test Module

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answered a year ago

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