RDS Continuous Backup Pricing for PITR


how aws charge for continuous backup. also as we can check the storage size for rds snap-shots , how to check size of continuous backup file.

also is possible to enable only continuous backup for rds as i checked a snap-shot policy is also enabled with continuous backup plan.

Their is no such documentation available for continuous backup pricing

asked a year ago1162 views
1 Answer

Hi, the PITR costs are a combination of 2 elements: when needed, the cost of the snapshot(s) from which you start the PITR and the size-related cost of transaction logs that need to be accumulated to reach your desired point of recovery.

Those various costs and how they combine with each other are highly detailled in this blog post: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/demystifying-amazon-rds-backup-storage-costs/

Please, give it a detailled read to get all the information that you need to compute your own costs.



profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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