Is it possible to modify the JITP Policy for a registered CA?


Once the CA is registered, I can't see how to change the JITP policy. The only way I found was to remove the CA and register it again with the new policy, which can be inconvenient.

Is there any way to update the JITP policy?


asked 2 years ago322 views
2 Answers

Another option would be to use a policy name in your provisioning template. With a policy name you can reference an existing policy which you can change outside of the provisioning template.


answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks, Philipp! This sound quite more practical. I checked the man page and I only see reference to the policy names referring to the security policy inside the JITP policy, but not to the full JITP policy itself? Can you point me to some instructions on how to specify the policy name when registering a CA? Cheers!

  • Hi pfuentes69, please take a look at the link I posted and search for PolicyName. To use a named policy you create your IoT policy before you use it in the template. Assuming you named the policy my_aws_iot_policy your template entry would look similar to:

    "policy" : {
                "Type" : "AWS::IoT::Policy",
                "Properties" : {
                    "PolicyName" : "my_aws_iot_policy"

I think I found an answer... aws iot update-ca-certificate --certificate-id $CA_CERTIFICATE_ID \ --no-remove-auto-registration \ --new-auto-registration-status ENABLE \ --registration-config "<NEW_POLICY>"

As explained here:

answered 2 years ago

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