Any Script for importing certificates into your trust store using Powershell


Got the alert to update my RDS SSL/TLS but the problem im facing that my RDS is with a windows and AWS has not provided any Powershell script for importing certificate into the trust store, why? Is there any script for importing certificates even? Refrenece link to the documentation:

2 Answers

The sample script in the documentation is for importing the certificate on client machines connected to RDS.

To update the certificate on the RDS instance you need to modify the instance. See documentation link here.

To import the certificate on Windows clients, download the certificate bundle required and then import it into the trust store using the GUI.

answered 8 months ago

To update the certificate on the RDS instance you have two options :

  1. Updating your CA certificate by modifying your DB instance
  2. Updating your CA certificate by applying DB instance maintenance

You can get the exact steps for each of the options from the below documentation link

Also, as confirmed the sample script in the documentation that you are referring is for importing the certificate on client machines connected to RDS. The sample scripts are available for Linux & macOS.

The best approach to import the certificate on Windows clients is downloading the certificate bundle required and then import it into the trust store using the GUI.

answered 8 months ago

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