Sagemaker Ground Truth Labelling Job Resource Limits Exceeded



I have a Sagemaker Ground Truth Labelling job that has failed, in cloudwatch it displays:

{"event-name":"HUMAN_TASK_FAILED","event-log-message":"ERROR: Human task failed for line 3.","labeling-job-name":""}

When I download the manifest file, it shows:

{"metadata":{"retry-count":1,"failure-reason":"ClientError: Task failed to render: [ ResourceLimitsExceeded: \u0027Resource limits exceeded\u0027 ].","human-annotated":"true"}}

It is a bounding box labelling job, and the other items on the job have succeeded. There are 2 labels categories on the job.

How do I find the resource that is causing this issue?

There are a lot of bounding box annotations in each image, but I cant find what resource limits there are on the number of bounding boxes that are allowed?

1 Answer

Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth limit for Bounding box (Object detection) is 50. You can see all limits in following documents

answered 2 years ago

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