Importing AWS data into JSM Assets [Cloud version]


Hi Team, We want to import AWS data into Jira Service Management (JSM) assets [cloud]. We do have a plugin in Atlassian Marketplace with the name - "Assets - AWS Integration" but currently is supported only in data center and server versions and not in cloud. Hence, we would like to understand if there is any way we can implement this using some kind of data import, either using csv or json. Please help us understand the same. Any documentations or steps regarding this will be really useful.

1 Answer

Hi, Since the "Assets - AWS Integration" plugin is not supported in the cloud version, the only method offered by Atlassian at the moment is with manual json or csv import.

Here are the steps:

  1. Step 1: Export AWS Data
  2. Step 2: Data Mapping for JSM Assets which includes defining Asser Schema and so on.
  3. Step 3: Data Import and Automation of Future Import

Found a post which you might have come across. It mentions some automation methods. Take a look.

Hope this helps.

answered a month ago

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