Why did my customer lightsail instance stopped until I manually start it before it continue running


my customer lightsail instance stopped during working hours of 07:00 to 22:00 GMT on four different occasion until I manually start it before it continue running again. What could likely cause it and how can it be avoided permanently

1 Answer

If CloudTrail is enabled, try filtering the event name "StopInstance" to determine the cause. https://lightsail.aws.amazon.com/ls/docs/en_us/articles/logging-lightsail-api-calls-using-aws-cloudtrail

Try creating a snapshot and creating a new instance, as insufficient memory may be the cause. Thanks. https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/lightsail-instance-failed-status-check/?nc1=h_ls

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answered 2 years ago

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