Lightsail Plesk Stack - Port 25 block


Recently I looked into using AWS for hosting of my personal project websites and email. I found the Lightsail Plesk hosting stack and this appeared ideal for my needs. I created a new account and then generated a Plesk instance and started to migrate a couple of my domain websites to AWS Lightsail Plesk Instance from current hosting provider Inmotion Hosting.

All was looking good but then I discovered I could receive email fine but I could not send any email from the Plesk instance. I did some research and found a link and form to request unblocking of port 25 to allow this to work. I completed and submitted the form. Below are the responses (this seems to be the exact same template others have received.

"Hello, Thank you for submitting your request to have the email sending limit removed from your account and/or for an rDNS update. This account, or those linked to it, have been identified as having at least one of the following:

A history of violations of the AWS Acceptable Use Policy
A history of being not consistently in good standing with billing
Not provided a valid/clear use case to warrant sending mail from EC2 Unfortunately, we are unable to process your request at this time, please consider looking into the Simple Email Service. Regards, AWS Trust & Safety"

I have none of those and I replied for a further explanation and explained I was a new customer and needing to be able to send and receive email to my user mailboxes. This is the template response...

"Hello, Thank you for submitting your request to have the email sending limit removed from your account and/or for an rDNS update. After a thorough review, we confirmed our original finding and cannot grant your request. Please consider looking into the Simple Email Service (SES) We cannot assist you further with this issue and we may not respond to additional messages on this subject. Regards, AWS Trust & Safety "

I responded to try clarify but it seems they will no longer engage and ignore my responses.

I don't know what to do next as without the ability to use my mailboxes, the plesk stack is no use to me and I will reluctantly need to look for an alternate partner.

Can anyone offer any help please.

asked 2 years ago444 views
1 Answer

Would it be possible to try again but with providing more or clearer information with regards to your use case ? This is assuming the first two reasons are not applicable for your account as you have stated.

Also, have you included a rDNS setup as described here ?

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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