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The environment created but as you say the deployment to the EC2 Instance (i-0325bf91e0b716996) failed.
This is the important message:
INFO Command execution completed on all instances. Summary: [Successful: 0, Failed: 1]
Commands will execute on the instance during a deployment. In this case one failed. The only way to see which one is using logs, as it says "For details, see eb-engine.log". The logs can be got from the Beanstalk web UI [1] or directly on the EC2 Instance, if using linux its /var/log/eb-engine.log
Review the logs for additional information and feel free to post the error here and I'll take a look. On a side note, if you are using ebextensions and have commands defined you can specify "ignoreErrors" [2] to true meaning a failed command will not cause the deployment to fail.
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I went till the Cloud Watch eb engine log page. From there how do I view the eb engine log? This is the path it is showing: /aws/elasticbeanstalk/lesoko-app-env/var/log/eb-engine.log. And there is an ARN as well. How can I use it to view the log?
@rePost-User-1778305 the log will only be visible in CloudWatch if log streaming is enabled. The log group you are looking at "lesoko-app-env" is different from the environment that you have in the question "les-app-env". In CloudWatch the logs are separated by environment. To view the log for this environment you will need to check "/aws/elasticbeanstalk/les-app-env/var/log/eb-engine.log" - inside this log group there should be a log stream for each instance in the environment, e.g. "i-0325bf91e0b716996"
There are no log streams under /aws/elasticbeanstalk/lesoko-app-env/var/log/eb-engine.log in CloudWatch. And sorry for the confusion. lesoko-app-env is the actual environment name. Is there any other way to view the eb-engine.log file?
@rePost-User-1778305 Yes please read the answer I posted, the logs can be got from the Beanstalk UI, follow the steps here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/using-features.logging.html#health-logs-instancelocation