API Gateway Attack Protection


A customer would like to know what protection he has from DDoS on regional API Gateway public endpoints? Would the customer be charged for those requests and additional caching?

Thank you

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

If the API of your customer rely on IAM, Lambda Custom authorizer or Cognito authentication, your customer won't be charged for all unauthenticated requests (known at DDos layer 7 attack): https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/api-gateway-pricing.html

Calling methods with the authorization type of AWS_IAM, CUSTOM, and COGNITO_USER_POOLS are not charged for authorization and authentication failures.

So the answer is YES there is DDos protection cost coverage.

And this protection apply too to "low level" DDos attack like SYN floods (see FAQ section "How can I address or prevent API threats or abuse?")

answered 6 years ago
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reviewed 4 months ago

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