Ubuntu Mate AMI in "Community" leads to "Marketplace" and extra charge


If you are building an instance, and you search for an AMI with 'Ubuntu Mate', you get a collection of results that include 33 Marketplace and 1 Community. The Community AMI seems to come from Ubuntu themselves. It has an Ubuntu logo and a Verified Provider stamp. It is defined as:

Verified provider Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS - GUI Mate with VNC - v0822-852675f6-b132-4b36-844e-9bd39171a762 ami-0256fae9ba5c5a428

When I Select it, I get taken to an error: Instance launch failed In order to use this AWS Marketplace product you need to accept terms and subscribe. To do so please visit https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp?sku=7vs4oeivly897ootc0hciswv6 Following this link, I am taken to another Ubuntu offering by Arara Solutions, which is an extra cost offering.

Why are these two items being confused? How can I install the version from Ubuntu themselves?

asked a year ago352 views
1 Answer

Hello, With the Community AMI there isn't necessarily a filtering mechanism to confirm the authenticity of the AMI and the contents of the product is kind of not guaranteed and its at the user risk to try an AMI out. Whenever you create an AMI, you can add permissions to it to make it public. In that case, it goes to "community AMIs". Therefore, all Public AMIs are listed in community AMIs list regardless of whether they need marketplace subscription or not. I hope this answers your question. Thank you!

answered a year ago

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