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Tape Gateway on Amazon S3 Standard Storage


A customer would like to use the Tape Gateway and store 20% of data to S3 Standard Storage and 80% of data to Glacier. Is this possible using only the Tape Gateway?

asked 4 years ago354 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

With Tape Gateway virtual tapes are first created in the Virtual Tape Library, which sits on S3. Once the backup application ejects the tape, the tape gets archived into Virtual Tape Storage, which sits on Glacier or Glacier Deep Archive based on the customer's configuration. In other words, if the customer would like to keep 20% of their tapes available (i.e. in S3) and 80% archived (i.e. in Glacier or Glacier Deep Archive), that is certainly possible if the backup application ejects/archives tapes accordingly.

answered 4 years ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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