Why is cross-region copy of S3 buckets in AWS backup failing?


I have an S3 bucket in the region us-east-1.

Now I managed to create backup on a regular basis and it works fine.

The next thing I wanted to do is to copy it to other regions:

First, I wanted to enable the automatic copy mechanisms to eu-west-2 and it worked fine. Then I tried to enable the automatic copy mechanism to ap-east-1 and I got the following error:

Unsupported operation
Copy job from us-east-1 to ap-east-1 cannot be initiated for S3 resources. Feature is not supported for provided resource type.

Could you tell me why it is an issue here and how I can resolve it?

1 Answer


Looking at the Amazon S3 column in the document below, the Hong Kong region may not support cross-region copy and cross-account copy.

1 Cross-Region and cross-account copy are not supported.

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
  • It's not about what features are currently supported that replication and other capabilities will never work across partitions. That is what partitions are for. Similarly, you can't replicate between the main partition and GovCloud, as an example.

  • @Leo K No, I don't think the Hong Kong region is included in "aws-cn". If the explanation in the document you are referring to is correct, the ARN of S3 created in the Hong Kong region should be as follows.


    However, it actually looks like the image below. In other words, since the Hong Kong region partition is "aws", it should be included in the same partition as "us-east-1". a

  • Well, the announcement blog post https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/enterprise-strategy/getting-started-with-aws-services-in-aws-china-beijing-region-and-aws-china-ningxia-region/ lists the Beijing, Ningxia, and Hong Kong regions together, but perhaps that's misleading then. In either case, Hong Kong is factually part of China, which anyone hosting their data in the US will likely want to take into consideration before taking any data there, with or without using a specific replication mechanism.

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