Create a github connection for app runner using cloudformation


Hello, folks please help in finding how to create a GitHub connection in cloud formation template for app runner. Actually, I want to deploy my application on apprunner from the github repo. I can find the option while creating the apprunner to connect to github. But my question is how to do that same thing in the cloudformation.

1 Answer


There is no equivalent of Connection for AppRunner.

  #You must update the connection via the console
    Type: AWS::CodeStarConnections::Connection
      ConnectionName: MyGithubAccount
      ProviderType: GitHub

In the above example you could create the initial connection request via CloudFormation: However you would still need to change the state from pending to available via the console:

So there is still some manual intervention required as this will utilize the AWS Connector for GitHub. This is not something currently supported in CloudFormation as it pertains to AppRunner. You would still need to manually create the connection via the AWS App Runner console.

Then you could use CloudFormation to create the AppRunner service:

answered 3 years ago

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