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Hi. Are you referring to the job execution status? I believe so: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/apireference/API_JobExecution.html#iot-Type-JobExecution-status
Are you using the OTA library from the embedded C SDK? The version check is performed on the device: https://github.com/aws/ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk/blob/243786d1aa5db0aca537b24287498c8723beaca4/source/ota.c#L1969
Leading to here: https://github.com/aws/ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk/blob/243786d1aa5db0aca537b24287498c8723beaca4/source/ota.c#L2219
And eventually here: https://github.com/aws/ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk/blob/243786d1aa5db0aca537b24287498c8723beaca4/source/ota.c#L708-L712
Per the comment there, the status should be FAILED not REJECTED. This is seemingly confirmed by this: https://github.com/aws/ota-for-aws-iot-embedded-sdk/blob/main/source/include/ota.h#L191. Searching on jobStatusRejected
, it's not used in the library at all.
So as far as I know, REJECTED is not an expected outcome. Can you examine device logs for the two different scenarios?
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