Bug Report - AWS SES - Email as case sensitive


I was working in AWS SES for the last days, and I found a strange behavior on the identity validation and the email sending function (related to case-sensitive email). Basically, as I'm working on sandbox, the recipient email must be validated. So, I created an identity and I successfully validated the email "user.name@example.com" (it's an example).

After that, I tried to send an email using AWS SDK for JavaScript, with nodemailer (using SES as provider) to the email: "User.Name@example.com" and I received the following message: "Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region XX-XXXX-X: User.Name@example.com".

To verify if the case sensitive was the problem, I tried again using the recipient email as "user.name@example.com" and it works!

Is it a bug or this is the expected behavior? I guess that it could be a strange behavior because emails are not case-sensitive.

RequestID: 09427677-c13b-44d1-9bdc-be9941697413

Thank you, Lucas.

  • I think you might have changed your server location. Kindly note that you must hit the same location server in which you made the changes.

asked 2 years ago818 views
1 Answer

Great catch, Lucas.

This is expected behavior by AWS. As noted on https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/verify-email-addresses.html for email verification, email addresses are case sensitive and the email cannot be used unless the case matches what was verified.

The example AWS gives is sender@EXAMPLE.com vs sender@example.com.

answered 2 years ago

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