Is it possible to restrict AppStream session users access to my application folder in S3


Is there a way to restrict/hide a folder/S3 prefix for session users? We have persistent storage configured. Our app will be saving some breadcrumbs during the session but to not confuse our users we would like to restrict access to that folder/S3 prefix from user's perspective. At the same time, the application needs to be able to write and read to the users' bucket, that data is user-session specific. Is that even possible?

  • I created a simple session-context-test.bat file in C:\Scripts folder:

    @ECHO OFF CD "C:\Users\PhotonUser\My Files\Home Folder" attrib +h hiddenfolder

    Then I changed the config.json file to use that script:

    { "SessionStart": { "executables": [ ... { "context": "user", "filename": "C:\Scripts\session-context-test.bat", "arguments": "", "s3LogEnabled": true ... So my question is why that hasn't worked?

1 Answer

Not sure i understand your question.

S3 home folders are mounted into AppStream session as "My Files". You want to hide them. Correct?

From inside the session, the users browse these files from Windows File Explorer. You may use Windows commands to hide the file. You could try writing a BAT file to change the attribute of the file or folders to be hidden.

attrib +h filename

Checkout the two screenshots of using attrib +h on home folders.

Before Enter image description here

After running the command Enter image description here

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • I don't understand how to apply your tips though. I created a simple session-context-test.bat file in C:\Scripts folder:

    @ECHO OFF CD "C:\Users\PhotonUser\My Files\Home Folder" attrib +h hiddenfolder

    Then I changed the config.json file to use that script:

    { "SessionStart": { "executables": [ ... { "context": "user", "filename": "C:\Scripts\session-context-test.bat", "arguments": "", "s3LogEnabled": true ... So my question is why that hasn't worked?

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