How to switch to NVME storage volume?


Windows 2022 base, c5d.large: I want to use NVME for my application to run on. I picked EC2, c5d.large which is supposed to come with a 50gb NVME volume. Before launching the instance it says there are 2 storage volume. 1st being general EBS 30gb, 2nd being NVME ephermal 50gb.

After launching and entering instance, I can now only see the 1st EBS 30gb volume under "This pc" - "Devices & drives". So how do I actually access and use the NVME volume?

Thank you

asked 6 months ago247 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

I assume that you need to format the drive.

  1. Right click on start button and select disk management.
  2. If prompted, click yes to initialise the drive. (NVME disk)
  3. Format the volume.
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answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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