Build a react app module - AWS Amplify Help



I am following the tutorial on creating a react app and have not been able to get past the module 1 step of hosting the github repo on AWS Amplify. When I select the repo and branch and select deploy it outputs a build error.

The build error says the amplify cli was unable to run, I searched online and it said to run npm install but this did not resolve the error. I have followed the steps exactly as detailed. Any help is appreciated.

1 Answer

While I have had issues with the tutorial in question, I did not run into any issues with Module 1 in particular. You should not need to install the Amplify CLI, however, you could try jumping ahead to Module 2 which actually goes through the steps of setting up the CLI, then return to Module 1 and see if that resolves your issues. Worth a try.

answered 10 months ago

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