Why am I being charged for this service that I never asked for . POS CREDIT CMM MEMO - CREDIT APPLIED - R63152 Other $13.00 — Pending POS DEBIT AMAZON WEB SERVICES AWS.AMAZON.C WA 00NN08084 POS DEBIT AMAZON WEB SERVICES AWS.AMAZON.C WA 00NN08084 Card −$13.00negative $13.00 — Pending POS DEBIT AMAZON WEB SERVICES AWS.AMAZON.C WA 00NN08084 POS DEBIT AMAZON WEB SERVICES AWS.AMAZON.C WA 00NN08084 Card −$13.00negative $13.00 — Pending POS DEBIT AMAZON WEB SERVICES AWS.AMAZON.C WA 00NN08084 POS DEBIT AMAZON WEB SERVICES AWS.AMAZON.C WA 00NN08084 Card −$13.00negative $13.00 — Pending POS DEBIT AMAZON WEB SERVICES AWS.AMAZON.C WA 00NN08084 POS DEBIT AMAZON WEB SERVICES AWS.AMAZON.C WA 00NN08084 Card −$13.00negative $13.00 —

asked 5 months ago172 views
1 Answer

Hi Michael,

I'm sorry for the frustration you have experienced! For the quickest resolution I'd suggest opening a case with our Support team here: go.aws/support-center. They have the best tools to assist you. Also, check out this doc which may help you isolate the unexpected charges: (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/checklistforunwantedcharges.html).

-Dino C.

answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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