Fetch 0.5 million reocrds at once from redshift using nodejs.


I am trying to fetch 0.5 million records at once using API->lambda. I am executing this using nodejs and while fetching records programmatically using SQL query my API times out as it redshift response takes more time. I am using redshift data API to fetch records. while using this "ExecuteStatement" gives metadata. Now while formating columnmetadata and records fetched under "GetStatementResult" takes a lot of time to get result in proper format. Is there a way to get foramtted data directly and reduce time?

1 Answer

To avoid the time limit, you could move the script into Glue. If you wanted to keep using Lambda to execute the APIs, you could create Step Functions to have Initiate Query Lambda -> Return results to S3 Lambda -> Process results Glue.

answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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