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S3 Transfer acceleration Permission


How can i setup proper permission for being able to use Transfer acceleration on s3 bucket. I have set up the IAM policy for the user i have Administrator access and also i created a custom policy just for Transfer acceleration but when i try to edit the bucket it says Access Denied. Can someone explain what could the issue be here. Thank you in advance

  • Hi Donoval, could you please post your IAM policy/policies attached to your IAM user/role and bucket policy(if there is one) here.

  • Still facing the issue even after trying all of the following:

    • enabling transfer acceleration as the root user,
    • adding s3:PutAccelerateConfiguration to the only user in the IAM console,
    • adding s3:PutAccelerateConfiguration in the bucket policy,
    • disabling the Block Public Access checkbox. Any guidance would be very much appreciated.
asked a year ago581 views
4 Answers

In what region have you setup you S3 bucket? S3 transfer acceleration is supported in the following regions: if your bucket is setup in one of the supported regions, in order to troubleshoot this issue and identify the root cause, please open a support case with AWS using the following link:

answered a year ago
  • My bucket is in us-east-1 it should be supported


So S3 Transfer acceleration uses CloudFront in the backend as listed in this whitepaper (

Cloudfront distribution is always deployed in us-east-1; thus, the verification requirement is us-east-1.

This is a verification mechanism that aws uses so email delivery is standard, what you can also try is to deploy a cloudfront distribution. If it's deployed successfully, s3 acceleration can be enabled.

The other option is that you reach out to AWS support and they can verify your account manually

answered 6 months ago

Transfer acceleration was used in AWS Cloudfront on the back end. Because Cloudfront is a global service like IAM etc. validation is a must in us-east-1. You can also contact AWS support to verify your account manually.

answered a month ago

For anyone reaching this page, the issue is account verification in N.virginia region.

Refer to this blog for details -

answered 6 months ago
  • Even if we have my S3 buckets in any other region (say ap-southeast-2), will we need to run EC2 instances in us-east-1 for a few hours to resolve this?

    But what if we don't get the email you mentioned about request validation?

    It's still not clear.

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