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502 and 494 Error : The request could not be satisfied by cloudfront


I am getting this error from cloudfront when I am sending big GET request to my application :

494 Error : The request could not be satisfied. Bad request. We can't connect to the server for this app or website at this time.

I know that cloudfront has a limit of around 10k characters and when violated it responds with 413 error but I am not understanding why cloudfront throws 494 and what does it actually means.

On that note, Sometime I am seeing 502 error when sending big GET request to my application :

502 Error : The request could not be satisfied by cloudfront. Cloud front couldn't connect to the origin or origin returned an incorrect response.

Would any one know the meaning of these errors ( as these docs define error connecting to origin but why only with big request ) and how to fix them.

Note: I don't have the logs from cloudfront as it doesn't log big request.

asked 3 years ago4.6K views
1 Answer

Some browsers limit GET requests to a maximum character count. For example, Internet Explorer has a GET character limit of 2,048 characters including the URL path. Could this be a factor in the failures you are seeing?

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answered 3 years ago

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