AWS EMR Studio & Workplace creation


Why I got this issue when subnets and vpc are exist ??

Failed to create Workspace. Invalid studio subnet configuration. All of the studio subnets are invalid/deleted. Please use a studio with valid subnets.

asked 10 months ago291 views
1 Answer

The error message you’re encountering in AWS EMR studio indicates that there may be an issue with the subnet configuration even though the subnets and VPC exist. So you may want to review the specific details of your VPC, subnet, security group, and EMR configuration and look for any inconsistencies or misconfigurations. The possible considerations could be:

  1. Ensure that you are creating the EMR studio workspace in the correct AWS region, and that the VPC and subnets are also in the same region. Subnets and VPCs are region-specific, and attempting to create or configure an EMR studio workspace in a different region from your specified subnets can result in this error.
  2. Check that the subnets you’ve specified for the EMR Studio workspace are correctly configured. Ensure that they are associated with the VPC and have the necessary attributes such as route tables, security groups to support EMR workloads.
  3. Ensure that the IAM role or user you are using to create the EMR studio workspace has the necessary permissions to interact with VPCs, subnets and EMR resources.
  4. Make sure that the specified subnets are not marked as “deleted” or in an unusable state. Deleted subnets cannot be used.
  5. Ensure that the security groups associated with your subnets are correctly configured to permit the required network traffic. Misconfigured security groups can block necessary communication.
  6. Check if the subnets have been changed or modified (changes to their route tables, security groups configurations, or VPC associations), it can lead to them being considered “invalid” for use with EMR studio

For further VPC configuration options and best practices please refer the following links

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answered 8 months ago

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