Migrate from Aurora Serverless v1 Postgres to Aurora MySQL using DMS/STC


I'm confused on what the right service/tool to use to migrate my Aurora Serverless v1 PG to Aurora Serverless MySQL, I tried DMS but I found that I should do schema migration first. but DMS schema conversion doesn't support Aurora PG as a source.

I have found that there is a schema conversion tool (SCT), I'm tried it but I'm not able to connect to my Aroura PG.

Do SCT support migrating from Aurora PG to Arura MySQL? Or maybe I'm not on the right path?

1 Answer

SCT can automatically migrate most database schema objects like tables, indexes etc from a source to target database. It supports migrating from Aurora PostgreSQL.

A few things to check:

Make sure the IAM role used by SCT has necessary permissions to access both the source and target databases.

Verify connection details like endpoint, port, username, password etc. when connecting to the source Aurora PostgreSQL database.

The target database should be an empty Aurora MySQL database ready to receive the migrated schema.

You may need to manually migrate any database objects not supported automatically by SCT like stored procedures.

Refer AWS documentation for step-by-step guide to use SCT - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/schema-conversion-tool/latest/userguide/CHAP_GettingStarted.html

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answered 7 months ago
  • Thanks for the help, I forget to clarify it is Aroura Serverless, where I found that it is not accessible from outside VPC! There is a solution to use an EC2 instance in the middle and connect to t he EC2 using SSH tunnel. But I can't find how to connect SCT using SSH!

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