Missing property in CloudFormation AWS::ApiGateway::Stage?


I'm trying to create an APIGateway Stage that does not require authorization for cache control, I see that this property exists in the AWS Console but it does not exist in CloudFormation MethodSettings? Is there a reason for it not to exist in CloudFormation?

MethodSetting definition for CloudFormation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/pt_br/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-apigateway-stage-methodsetting.html

asked 2 years ago506 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


At this time, CloudFormation doesn't support disabling the Require authorization option under "Per-key cache invalidation" natively.

As a workaround via CloudFormation, you could use a Lambda backed custom resource to disable the "Require authorization" option. More information about custom resources can be found here and here.

There is an existing feature request with the service team for this functionality to be implemented and I have included your request to it. While I am unable to comment on if/when this feature may get released, I request you to keep an eye on our What's New and Blog pages for any new feature announcements.

answered 2 years ago
  • how can I disable the required authorisation option via a lambda? I cannot find any mention of it in the api gateway client sdk

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