Device Farm Video is not showing application interaction


Hi, I am running my test on device farm. From the test specification log, it shows that my test has passed. However from the video recording, it is always stuck on the default mobile homescreen. How do i get the video recording to capture the test interaction instead of just the homescreen.


[TestNG] INVOKING CONFIGURATION: "Command line test eca2ebbd-c83a-4609-84f0-bb52a16b1afc" - @BeforeTest Tests.LoginTest.setUpPage()
[TestNG] PASSED CONFIGURATION: "Command line test eca2ebbd-c83a-4609-84f0-bb52a16b1afc" - @BeforeTest Tests.LoginTest.setUpPage() finished in 118 ms
[Invoker 1508395126] Keeping method TestBase.navigateTo()[pri:0, instance:Tests.LoginTest@15975490] for class [TestClass name=class Tests.LoginTest]
[Invoker 1508395126] Invoking @BeforeClass TestBase.navigateTo()[pri:0, instance:Tests.LoginTest@15975490]
[TestNG] INVOKING CONFIGURATION: "Command line test eca2ebbd-c83a-4609-84f0-bb52a16b1afc" - @BeforeClass Tests.AbstractBaseTests.TestBase.navigateTo()
[TestNG] PASSED CONFIGURATION: "Command line test eca2ebbd-c83a-4609-84f0-bb52a16b1afc" - @BeforeClass Tests.AbstractBaseTests.TestBase.navigateTo() finished in 2846 ms
[Invoker 1508395126] Keeping method LoginTest.logOut()[pri:0, instance:Tests.LoginTest@15975490] for class [TestClass name=class Tests.LoginTest]
[TestNG] INVOKING: "Command line test eca2ebbd-c83a-4609-84f0-bb52a16b1afc" - Tests.LoginTest.loginFail()
[Invoker 1508395126] Invoking Tests.LoginTest.loginFail
[TestNG] PASSED: "Command line test eca2ebbd-c83a-4609-84f0-bb52a16b1afc" - Tests.LoginTest.loginFail() finished in 7446 ms
[Invoker 1508395126] Keeping method LoginTest.logOut()[pri:0, instance:Tests.LoginTest@15975490] for class [TestClass name=class Tests.LoginTest]
[Invoker 1508395126] Invoking @AfterMethod LoginTest.logOut()[pri:0, instance:Tests.LoginTest@15975490]
[TestNG] INVOKING CONFIGURATION: "Command line test eca2ebbd-c83a-4609-84f0-bb52a16b1afc" - @AfterMethod Tests.LoginTest.logOut()
[TestNG] PASSED CONFIGURATION: "Command line test eca2ebbd-c83a-4609-84f0-bb52a16b1afc" - @AfterMethod Tests.LoginTest.logOut() finished in 827 ms
[Invoker 1508395126] Keeping method LoginTest.logOut()[pri:0, instance:Tests.LoginTest@15975490] for class [TestClass name=class Tests.LoginTest]
  • Solved, apparently this issue only happens on pixel 3 xl andriod 9

asked 2 years ago49 views
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