Cloned Instance Redirecting to Original Instance


I have an EC2 instance running OpenEMR Cloud Express 5.0.1 attached to an Elastic IP address and with a domain name associated with it. I recently cloned the instance using Action -> Create Image, then launched an instance using that image. When I copy the IP address of the cloned instance and paste it into the address bar, it redirects me to the domain name of the original instance and any changes made affect only the original instance. When I ssh into the cloned instance all new data added through the web app is not there.

I was wondering what was causing the this redirect and how to fix it? I need the clone instance to be completely separate and working from the original instance so that I can run some tests on it and practice an update.

Thank you for your help.

asked 5 years ago315 views
1 Answer

The issue was an ssl redirect. All I had to do to get to the web app for the clone instance is put https:// in front of the IP address and ignore the warnings.

answered 5 years ago

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