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What would be the best way to modify Aurora Serverless v2 minimum capacity setting at a particular time?


What would be the best way to modify Aurora Serverless v2 minimum capacity setting at a particular time? We need to ensure its at a minimum level before known spikes of load as even though the scale up time is fairly fast, it still provides a bad user experience for a couple of minutes. But we can't maintain that minimum level for longer than required as it costs too much.

We use App AutoScaling scheduled actions for ECS services to do this, but unfortunately it doesn't seem like this Aurora Serverless minimum capacity is modifiable using that. You can only modify the Aurora replica count using App AutoScaling actions.

Thanks, Kelly.

1 Answer

If you want to set Aurora Serverless v2 at a specific time, it is likely that there are methods such as Lamdba, EventBridge scheduled events.
I think the following URL can be used as a reference, so please check it out.

Tutorial: Schedule AWS Lambda functions using EventBridge

answered 7 months ago

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