S3 Intelligent - Tiering - 'Monitoring and Automation' costs



We have a large amount of small files (< 1KB) randomly mixed with some large files (300 MB).
If we would use 'S3 Intelligent - Tiering' the small files are not eligible for auto-tiering (which is quite logical, because putting them in the 'Infrequent Access Tier' would actually be more expensive).
In order to determine if 'S3 Intelligent - Tiering' is cheaper than 'S3 Standard' the storage cost savings of the large files have to outweigh the 'Monitoring and Automation' costs.
So the question is: Do small files (< 128KB) count to the number of object for the "Monitoring and Automation" costs?


asked 4 years ago478 views
1 Answer

Hi Rutger,

Thanks for posting on the forums.

You are right in pointing out that small files are not eligible for auto tiering. So, for example, if you use a lifecycle policy to move your objects to INT after a specified time frame, objects that are less than 128 KB will not move to INT and you will not incur any monitoring charges for those. Objects that are bigger than 128 KB will be moved to INT and will continue to be monitored and automatically moved to infrequent access tiers based on usage.

Hope this helps,

answered 4 years ago

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