CloudWatch no log groups


Using the AWS CLI, I can list my log groups.

aws logs describe-log-groups { "logGroups": [ { "logGroupName": "my_log_group", "creationTime": 1596419418715, "metricFilterCount": 0, "arn": "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:123456789012:log-group:my_log_group:*", "storedBytes": 897 } ] }

I sign into the AWS console as root user, go to Lambda, select one of my Lambda Functions, select Monitor, select View in CloudWatch, and I can view the CloudWatch logs.

But in the AWS console if I go to CloudWatch > log groups I get "no log groups". This issue started a few months ago. Before this issue started, I was able to view my log groups in the console. I have no idea why I now get "no log groups".

Enter image description here

1 Answer

The discrepancy you're experiencing between the AWS CLI output and the CloudWatch console view is unusual and could be due to a few potential issues:

  1. Region mismatch: Ensure that you're looking at the same AWS region in both the CLI and the console. The CLI might be set to a different default region than what you're viewing in the console.

  2. IAM permissions: While you're signing in as the root user, which should have full access, there might be an issue with the IAM permissions associated with your console session. This is less likely but worth checking.

  3. Console caching or display issue: Sometimes, the AWS Management Console can have caching issues or display problems. Try clearing your browser cache and cookies, or use a different browser to access the AWS Console.

  4. Filtering applied: Check if there are any filters applied in the CloudWatch console that might be hiding your log groups.

  5. Delay in console updates: Although rare, there could be a delay in the console updating to reflect the latest information.

To troubleshoot:

  1. Verify the region in both CLI and console.
  2. Try accessing the CloudWatch logs directly through the CloudWatch service in the console, not via Lambda.
  3. Use the CLI command with the '--region' parameter to explicitly specify the region and compare results.
  4. Try creating a new log group via CLI and see if it appears in the console.
  5. If the issue persists, it would be advisable to contact AWS Support, as this appears to be an unusual console behavior, especially if it has been ongoing for months.
    Use DescribeLogGroups with an AWS SDK or CLI - Amazon CloudWatch Logs
    Working with log groups and log streams - Amazon CloudWatch Logs
    Use DescribeLogGroups with an AWS SDK or CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples
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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Thanks.

    1. Is not the issue - in both the CLI and AWS console I'm using us-east-1

    2. Is not the issue - When I go direct to the CloudWatch console I get "no log groups"

    3. is not the issue - When I use the --region option with the CLI my log groups are returned

    4. is not the issue - I created "dummy-log-group" using the CLI and I still get "no log groups" in the console - even if this worked this would be a problem as I need to view my log groups that have already been created

    5. This re:post is my attempt to contact AWS Support

  • Any way to get additional support on this since the answer did not solve the issue for me?

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