EB Create fails to create "ElasticLoadBalancer" must specify 2 Availability zones


I'm trying to create an application and an environment with ELB CL, all steps are fine but Load Balancer doesn't get created:

[ERROR] Creating load balancer failed Reason: Resource handler returned message: "At least two subnets in two different Availability Zones must be specified (Service: ElasticLoadBalancingV2, Status Code: 400,

My VPC specifies 2 public subnets as the Technical Essentials tutorial specify. What should I do to fix this error :

  • Are those subnets created in different AZs or its the same AZ? Can you verify that?

  • @Aanchal Agrawal : in different AZ

asked 7 months ago357 views
2 Answers

It seems the issue is that the load balancer is not able to select subnets across two different Availability Zones as required.

Please check the following:

  • Verify that the VPC has at least two public subnets, each located in a different Availability Zone.
  • When creating the load balancer, select one public subnet from Availability Zone 1 and one from Availability Zone 2.
  • Ensure the security groups allow access on the listener port and health check port from the load balancer to the target instances.
  • Check that no network ACLs are blocking necessary traffic to/from the load balancer subnets
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answered 7 months ago
  • 1-VPC has 2 different AZs 2-Load Balancer is created in 2 different AZs (us-west-2b & 2a) 3-I'm launching my application with EB CLI, thus it's creating the Load Balancer itself; I'm only providing it with the subnets' IDs. 4-Checked the ACL associated with the VPC and it has Outbound rule and Inbound rules allowing from-to the internet


You'll first need to create two or more subnets in your VPC. It's typically good practice to create at least one subnet for each availability zone (AZ) in your region. Be sure to select public/private as is appropriate for your architecture.

answered 7 months ago
  • I can't differentiate between vpc.elb and vpc.ec2; do I need two different VPCs for the creation of EBS ?

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