How can I log all emails sent from AWS SES?


I am using AWS SES to send emails from my domain, but I recently noticed that some emails are being sent from my domains that are not by me. I suspect that my account has been compromised and I want to log all emails sent from SES to investigate further. However, I also need to ensure that the log includes the content of each email, including the subject and body. How can I enable logging for all emails sent from my SES account so that I can track down the source of these unauthorized emails and examine their content? I would prefer logging to Cloudwatch or an S3 bucket.

2 Answers
Accepted Answer


I would look into configuration set where you can send various data related to emails to a kinesis data firehose, which then can send data to s3.

You also can send data to cloudwatch as pointed out below:

Hope it helps ;)

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answered 2 years ago

Output to S3 using Kinesis Data Firehose
The following blog is in Japanese, but contains example settings

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answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks, this is very helpful.

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