VLAN information for DX circuit


Service provider has provided AWS VCC circuit VLAN number and it does not match the VLAN number what I'm seeing on AWS direct connection console under connections. general configurations.

  1. Does VLAN should match AWS VCC circuit and VLAN number in DX connect console?
  2. When creating a VIF it's not allowing to add a VLAN number provided by ISP since its not same VLAN.
Ali Md
asked a year ago517 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

It sounds like you are setting up a Hosted connection via a DX Partner. See below note from the Knowledge center article. You should reach out to the partner to confirm which VLAN-ID you can use to setup the VIF.

Note: You can create only one VIF per hosted Direct Connect connection. You can't modify VLAN information to create a new VIF from the AWS Management Console. Each hosted connection is assigned a VLAN on creation by the partner. Each VIF on a given connection requires a unique VLAN tag that can be provisioned only by the partner. To get additional private or public VIFs, request another hosted connection from your APN partner. To create transit virtual interfaces, you must have 1 Gbps or larger of available hosted connection bandwidth.

Reference: https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/direct-connect-types

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • That is correct Tushar. When creating a VIF I get a pop up " should only use xx VLAN "

    hosted connection VLAN and VIF VLAN should be different ?

  • Suggest checking with the DX Partner on which VLAN to use.

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