Aws Pinpoint have support send sms in Vietnam



I'm using aws pinpoint service to send SMS to phone numbers in Vietnam. Previously, the sent messages which come from 'PASSCODE' SMS channel message, have been sent in 5 seconds. And now, when i send SMS message, which come from other channel, and we can not receive them.

So have we supported in Vietnam?

Thanks, Roy

asked 2 years ago627 views
1 Answer

Yes, AWS Pinpoint does support sending SMS messages to phone numbers in Vietnam. However, it's possible that some mobile carriers in Vietnam may have certain restrictions or filtering in place that can affect the delivery of SMS messages.

You mentioned that you were previously able to send messages using the 'PASSCODE' SMS channel and they were delivered quickly. This suggests that the issue may not be related to AWS Pinpoint's support for sending SMS messages to Vietnam, but rather the specific SMS channel or message content you're using.

I recommend checking the following:

Make sure that the SMS message content complies with local regulations and carrier policies in Vietnam. Check that the phone numbers you're sending messages to are valid and can receive SMS messages. Check the delivery status of the messages in the AWS Pinpoint console to see if there were any errors or issues with delivery. Maybe consider using the 'PASSCODE' SMS channel again or experimenting with different SMS channels to see if there are any differences in delivery times. If the issue persists, you may want to reach out to AWS support for further assistance.

answered 2 years ago

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