MariaDB 10.2 and php7.3 not possible at the same time?


Is it not possible to install php7.3 and MariaDB 10.2 at the same time?

When I try to I get this error:

amazon-linux-extras install lamp-mariadb10.2-php7.2

Refusing because lamp-mariadb10.2-php7.2 could cause an invalid combination.

Could something else be causing that error?

asked 5 years ago1033 views
8 Answers
Accepted Answer

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We created the lamp-mariadb10.2-php7.2 extra as a convenience, to install most of the LAMP stack with a single operation. At the time we created it, PHP 7.2 was the latest-and-greatest, so it was the obvious choice.

The MySQL-related modules we provide for the various PHP versions in our extras are not compiled against any specific client libraries, so they should be able to connect to any MySQL-alike processes, like MariaDB. All of the PHP versions we provide share this, so there's no technical reason why you can't use PHP 7.3 with our MariaDB packages, other than the fact that we don't make them available in compatible channels.

We are evaluating how we should best rearrange our extras, to correct this limitation and provide a future-proofed solution.

answered 5 years ago

@AWStrinity, did you ever get around to fixing this? We would very much like to upgrade to PHP 7.4, but AFAIK currently cannot without leaving the comfort of Amazon-provided packages, as MariaDB (or any MySQL flavor) only seems to be available through the lamp-mariadb10.2-php7.2 extra.

answered 4 years ago

PHP 7.2 is about to enter end of security support by end of this year.
Is there any forecast of when will AWS update Linux 2 extras to give support to MariaDB and PHP 7.4 ?

answered 4 years ago

Same question, any update on this?
Need to be able to install mariadb with php 7.4

answered 4 years ago

I got tired of waiting for them to update amazon-linux-extras and just use the packages from directly.

Here's some extract (hopefully all the relevant bits; I'm also configuring PHP & Mariadb some more than just this) from a cloud-init user-data I use for a Wordpress server (though of course the forum is butchering the formatting):

    name: MariaDB  
    enabled: true  
    gpgcheck: 1  
 - php-xml  
 - php-gd  
 - php-mbstring  
 - MariaDB-server  

I'm sure some of you would be more comfortable if you could use Amazon's own package repository, but I find if I want updated packages I generally need to get them more directly.

answered 4 years ago

I have been looking for a solution to this too (installing PHP 7.4 on EC2 with MariaDB).

Can you provide some shell commands to get this going, if the whole LAMP package is not yet available in the amazon-linux-extras repo?

answered 3 years ago

Also since PHP 8 is out now and stable, would that be the better choice? Hosting a Wordpress site here.

answered 3 years ago

The locked versions are ancient by now. Not much of a convenience if you never update to current versions, then it's more like a straitjacket.

answered 3 years ago

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