How to Give AWS EKS IAM user access....?


Hey anyone suggest and give me steps to How to give access for an IAM user in AWS EKS..?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer


User Access for Node-group Server in AWS EKS Cluster:

Giving the Access to the necessary Users with least privileges permission to work with servers and Cluster is most important thing if you work in the Production servers.

So, lets crack how to do that in AWS Console in a Simple way...

Here Providing a Simple breakdown steps to give the permission in the EKS Cluster.

  • Open EKS Console in AWS.
  • Click on the cluster to give the node-server access to the users.
  • Under Cluster you see the option like access, click on " access ".
  • Click on " Create access entry ".
  • Search for users who are there in IAM to need the access to the Cluster.
  • Add the user with cluster admin permissions.
  • Finally click and add then, user is accessing the Node server with all permissions.
  • Below Providing the simple Image where you see that option in the EKS Console.

Below Providing the simple Image where you see that option in the EKS Console.

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  • Thank you NARRAVULA

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