Car web interface is blank


When I have tried to connect to the car's web interface, on a desktop, only the login page displays, but the /home page remains blank. I have tried Edge and IE on a Windows computer and Chrome on an Ubuntu computer. When I tried Edge on my Android phone, there was no problem.

I had a similar problem when I tried to set up the WiFi over USB; I ended up using the *.txt file method for setting the password.

Could there be some settings issue that prohibits the /home page from loading on a desktop browser, but not on a mobile?

asked 5 years ago246 views
2 Answers

I believe there shouldn't. Are you using any special plugins like ad blockers, Grease Monkey etc? Could it have anything to do with a self-signed certificate on the car?

answered 5 years ago

I checked that there is no ad blocker on the Ubuntu machine and my efforts to add the self-signed certificate to Chrome failed. But by installing Firefox, I was able to see the /home page.

answered 5 years ago

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