RPO for Multiple-AZ RDS


According to AWS FAQ, RPO for recovery with an RDS Single-AZ instance failure is typically 5 minutes. However, I do not find any document about RPO for multiple-AZ RDS(Mysql, Amazon Aurora,PostgreSQL). Any comments? If I need RPO is 1 minute, how to archive it?

asked 5 years ago4714 views
2 Answers

Somewhat this depends on your definition of RPO. Under most definitions of RPO it is the interval between backups and is measured in hours. It only applies to situations in which your live data is completely lost and you need to recover using a copy not maintained in real-time. Because the database also backs up the log file, RPO can be brought down to minutes (vs other kinds of data volumes). But the preferred mechanism is to use multiple synchronously maintained copies so that your RPO under all but the most extreme circumstances is 0.

If an RDS database instance's volumes were to be lost (logical or physical corruption), requiring recreating it from backup, then the RPO for Single-AZ, Multi-AZ, and even Aurora is typically around 5 minutes. That is the target interval for RDS to perform log backups to S3, so on a database volume loss you could have 5 minutes of log data that is also lost. There is no way to change the log backup interval, though that might be an interesting feature to add (hint: they would almost certainly have to charge for this as it would take a significant increase in resources behind the scenes to accomplish this at scale).

With Single-AZ the only live copy of your data is the EBS volume that holds the data for the instance. While EBS uses mirroring of data under the covers to provide durability and availability, there are several scenarios where you would have no choice other than to recover from backups. In this case you might want to apply the 5 minute log backup interval as your RPO.

With Multi-AZ the odds of data loss go way down because you have a separate synchronous copy of the volume being maintained in a separate data center (AZ). If your primary instance fails, you failover to the secondary instance with no data loss. There are far fewer scenarios where recreating the database from backup would be required, but there are still a few. Since volume-level replication is used, a corruption on the primary's volume may be replicated to the secondary's volume. And as rare as this scenario is, it would necessitate recovery from backups. I believe most customers think of Multi-AZ as having an RTO of 1-2 minutes and an RPO of 0, since they lose no data on any common failure. Again putting this into more traditional terms, even if a natural disaster were to destroy the data center housing the primary, the secondary would take over with no data loss. So assuming an RPO of 0 makes sense.

With Aurora the odds of data loss take another significant drop as it maintains 6 copies spread over 3 AZs, and it does that at a granularity of 10GB. So if something does become corrupt then it is a 10GB chunk of which there are 5 other copies plus backup information on S3, making it easy to transparently recover that one copy of the 10GB segment. There are almost no scenarios in which you would need to recreate the entire instance from backup. So truly an RPO of 0.

Bottom line is that I think for availability purposes RDS offers an RPO of 0 minutes. The next step would be to decide if you have a separate RPO for disaster recovery purposes, and what your disaster recovery plan looks like. Maybe it is just backups, or cross-region snapshot copies, or cross-region read replicas. None of these can achieve an RPO of 1 minute BTW, but DR strategies rarely require that.

answered 5 years ago

Thank you a lot, great answer with details

answered 5 years ago

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