How to use Elastic IP for AWS ECS with Farget without using Network Loadbalancer


On my ECS Farget workload I have used elastic IP by using Network Loadbalancer to manage the continues change of the tasks public IP addresses whenever the ECS service is updated and I was successful on handing that. However, to use certificates and leverage codeDeploy services such as canary deployment, I need to use application loadbalancer. Therefore, I want to leave the network loadbalancer and use only application loadbalancer but how will I be able to manage the changing public IP addresses without using Network Loadbalancer?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi There

When you use an application load balancer, you dont really need to worry about the IP address because you create ALIAS or CNAME records for your domain to point to the ALB. AWS manages the IP addresses for you. See

Is there a specific reason why you need to maintain a static IP address?

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago
  • How about if my ECS already running with ALB, and want to make ECS container access to global with the NAT gateway static IP. Also this step above working well with this case or not ?

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