Help with Organizing Content for Customer Downloads



I am helping my client with his Shopify website. We are both brand new to AWS. This is what we are trying to achieve:

Through the Shopify website, customers will purchase access to downloadable files. Once they checkout, they will receive a PDF which will contain a download link to said files. And these are the files that will be stored in AWS. The files really should not be public, and only accessible with people who have the specific link.

This seems like a very simple use case, however, since we are new here, the interface and settings for AWS is a bit overwhelming. Can someone assist with basic setup for this?

I have already went in and tried to create a bucket, a folder, and a file. But not sure it was done correctly, and when I click on the URL of the file, it shows an error page.

asked 9 months ago186 views
2 Answers


I think it's better to use signed URLs for such use cases.

By using a signed URL, it is possible to temporarily share a URL for downloading.

profile picture
answered 9 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 9 months ago

Thanks for the reply. This is helpful. However, the downside I see is every time there was a purchase, we would have to go into AWS to manually generate the pre-signed URL link and then send it to the customer. Ideally, once the customer checks out, they will receive an automated email confirmation with the link to download.

Is something like that possible?

answered 9 months ago

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