Are there synergies between SAP Business Technology Platform and AWS services?*


Are there synergies between SAP Business Technology Platform and AWS services?

NOTE: This is a common question asked by AWS customers. The AWS team is posting it to provide an answer that can benefit everyone.

asked 3 years ago507 views
1 Answer

SAP BTP offers a portfolio of services that can be used with SAP workloads for integration, extension and data analytics use cases. SAP customers can use SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) capabilities on AWS to modernize and create new SAP applications and integrate and extend existing SAP and third-party applications and data assets.

AWS offers the widest support for SAP BTP services hosted on AWS: the SAP Extension Suite, SAP Integration Suite, the SAP HANA® Cloud database, the SAP Analytics Cloud solution, and the SAP Data Warehouse Cloud solution are widely available in all regions on AWS.

AWS Native Services are both complimentary (eg for data extraction and storage ( and provide unique propositions (eg. IOT Service ( or Lookout for Vision ( to SAP BTP Services. Please reach out to your local SAP or AWS Specialist teams to understand more around the joint value proposition and use cases for SAP BTP and AWS Native Services.

NOTE: This answer is provided by the SAP on AWS speciality team and is accurate at the time of publish. Please check comments as the answer may have changed/services evolved.“

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answered 3 years ago

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