RDS FOR MySQL and the Replication Filters



Some days ago, I needed to add an a. a to one of my replicas to filter out one bad database.table creating problems for the replication stream. Today, I don't need to filter anymore as the data has already gone, and I need to remove the a. a added to the replicate-ignore-table, part of the RDS instance parameter group. When I remove the a. a or the string from the replicate-ignore-table field using the Console, I receive an error "Empty value found in form parameter replicate-ignore-table".

I feel like it should be possible to have no filters added to the replicate-ignore-table, right? Is that expected? How can I resolve this? Thanks for any help.

1 Answer

When you edit the parameter group, you can tick the box beside the replicate-ignore-table parameter and click Set to default value button beside Cancel and Save changes.

Confirm setting value to default and then you can click Save Changes.

answered a year ago

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