cant ssh to a ec2 instance created by autoscaling group for a ecs



i 'm using the default vpc/subnets/secrurity group to host ec2 of a ecs via an autoscaling group. the ssh key is ok. i even tried to generate a new key and sent it by this command

aws ec2-instance-connect send-ssh-public-key

it was successful. but still, I can't SSH to this instance via classic SSH command Enter image description here

via EC2 Instance Connect or EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint Enter image description here

this is a knowing issue ? is there any particular confs to enable ssh? thank you for your help

asked 5 months ago588 views
1 Answer


There are several reasons why it can fail when trying to connect to an EC2 instance using Amazon EC2 Instance Connect, so I recommend you take a look at the following AWS Knowledge Center article, which not only describes the most common issues , but also how to resolve it.

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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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