GUI Console for Windows


GUI Console for Windows is a necessity to fix booting issues for Windows. Troubleshooting via cmd is very limited. When will this feature be available

asked 2 years ago289 views
3 Answers

EC2Rescue has a GUI and can be used to diagnose Windows EC2 instance boot or connectivity issues:

It allows you to automatically fix common issues, gather logs and restore previous known good configs in the case of boot problems.

There is a good video overview of how to use it here as well:

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

Hi Carl,

Yes, we have that option. I was looking for an option, where we will get remote console like VMWare, so that we can boot the server in safemode and mount ISO to repair any OS issues.

answered 2 years ago

Found a solution!

Step1: Spin a Windows 2016 + HyperV AMI which is available in Marketplace Step2: Ensure VM size belongs to bare metal, like i3.metal. It will take around 20 min for the VM to be fully available with 2/2 checks passed Step3: Spin a new VM inside the HyperV with the impacted OS disk. Refer: for steps on how to spin a new VM from impacted OS disk in HyperV

answered 2 years ago

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