Are there recurring charges for a 10DLC registration even if unused, and how to turn it off.


In attempting to setup SMS messaging I registered for a 10DLC number. I subsequently decided not to use this. I thought there was a one-time charge for registration, but it appears from the first invoice that there will be a recurring charge each month. Is this correct? To stop getting charged, what is the proper procedure? Should I just delete the registration?

Any help will be appreciated.


1 Answer


The document below states:
This means that there is a monthly fee in addition to the one-time registration fee.

There are required registration and monthly fees associated with using 10DLC.
Campaign related fees:

  • 10DLC campaign registration: $50 one-time campaign activation fee required by T-Mobile. This fee will be postponed until further notice.
  • 10DLC campaign monthly: $10 per regular 10DLC campaign, $2 per low-volume 10DLC campaign.

Phone number related fees:

  • 10DLC phone number monthly: $1 per 10DLC phone number.

I think that if I didn't need it, I could delete it and the charges would stop.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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