Simple Email Service bulk recipients limit


I have a customer (a university) who would like to use SES to handle application-generated out-bound emails to their staff and student body. They expect to regularly send emails to subsets of students that could be a few thousand. Occasionally they will need to send an email to the entire student body (13,000). They are curious whether SES can be configured to support these bulk emails as a single request, or if they will have chunk the recipient list into smaller sets.

asked 6 years ago1.6K views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Using SES you would probably use the send-bulk-templated-email api this does limit the batches to 50 recipients per call, but that type of volume is definitely doable it just requires looping through and calling that API. They would also need to raise their default daily sending limit.

It may also be useful to talk with your customer about Amazon Pinpoint. This would allow them to categorize their users based on attributes: student, faculty, etc... and then send emails to segments based on those attributes. You could also create a campaign that targeted the full student body. In addition they'd be able to add SMS and mobile push notifications if they wanted to do that in the future.

answered 6 years ago

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