taking files on server


Hello. How can l take my files on server. l run a virtual service on cloud (EC2). lf l connect with filezilla, l can take my files. This way is the easiest solving for me because lm someone who very beginner on cloud service. lf l have server password, l could connect filezilla but Amazon aws use pem password file and l dont know how can l use it when l connect my server on aws. Please, tell me with very basic way. Thank you.

asked a year ago264 views
1 Answer


You can utilize the pem file to connect to your instance using filezilla. You will need to import the key to filezilla and then connect to the instance then you should be able to download your files.

Have a look at this guide -> https://tecadmin.net/import-private-key-in-filezilla/

Another good tool to connect is WinSCP (If you are using a Windows machine) -> https://winscp.net/eng/docs/guide_public_key

However, before any of this make sure that your instance is reachable from the internet and that you can connect using SSH. -> https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/AccessingInstancesLinux.html

Hope this helps you to try out

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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