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why I have a got charged for a public IPv4 address of vpc in free tier


Enter image description here I was working on mini project and learning how it works. I attached VPC to EC2, and I used ELB, ASG, but this are totally free right! on free tier. Then Why Im getting bill over. Please help with this!

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

From the bill it looks like you have a Public IPv4 address attached to a non-EC2 resource, e.g, Nat Gateway, Load Balancer, etc. The free tier includes 750 hours of free Public IPv4 address when launching any EC2 instance with a public IPv4 address. You have 13.733 hours used against the 750 free tier hours. But 4.294 hours was charged for a Public IPv4 address that is not attached to EC2 instance.

profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago
profile picture
reviewed 9 months ago

I think the below seems related.

AWS Free Tier now includes 750 hours of free Public IPv4 addresses, as charges for Public IPv4 begin

answered 9 months ago
profile picture
reviewed 9 months ago

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